60th Anniversary Celebration!
The Second Vatican Council
Presentations by
Fr. Vince Gartland
St. George Parish
Wednesdays, October 11, 18 and 25,
12:30 pm and 7:00pm
VATICAN II RESPONSE NOT CAUSE - We will look at the events and developments that influenced Pope Saint John XXIII to call an Ecumenical Council. The collective Catholic consciousness that existed on the eve of Vatican II was an odd mixture of fear and love. It was both sublime and harsh. It was Benediction and Bingo. Things were changing both in the Church and in much of the world. Revolutions raged through the nations. Unprecedented rights and freedoms were being demanded: civil rights, women’s rights, personal rights, religious liberty. A Catholic had been elected President of the United States, the first in history, the most powerful man in the world and a new Pope was in Rome. Both were named John and they stood on the threshold of a new era in human history and both seemed very aware of this. We will go back in history to look at how this came to be.