Our local Knights of Columbus Council 7103 has resumed its Meatball Sales Fundraiser and is looking for your support.
All proceeds are distributed to a host of worthy causes listed on the Knights of Columbus Council 7103 website.
Beginning with Super Bowl weekend (Feb. 8 and 9), we are offering take-home Meatballs and Sauce - 6 meatballs in a quart container of sauce for $12/ container.
To place an order: https://knights7103.org/our-community/meatball-fundraiser/. Please leave your contact information when ordering and a note whether you will pick up your order at St. James, St. George or at St. Alphonsus. The Knights will also be at all three parishes after the Saturday and Sunday Masses on Feb 8 and Feb 9.
To order directly from Grand Knight Santi Buscemi, contact: 609-610-4564. Simply let him know the quantity you want and your Parish. You can settle the payment when you pick these delicious meatballs up.