We are excited to have members of the Hopewell Valley Central High School Youth Environmental Society (YES) explain how they have worked with teachers, administrators, and parents to develop a Climate Action Plan based on the Climate Action Proposal, which was adopted by the HVRSD school board in June 2022. Targeted areas to strengthen Hopewell’s ever-growing sustainability include Education, Transportation, Food, Waste, Resilience, and Facilities and Energy. They will also outline the community's role to support the Climate Action Plan. YES students traveled to Washington, DC, with Schools for Climate Action to draft two House Resolutions, one on climate education and one on youth mental health in a changing climate. They met with legislators to get cosponsors on both Resolutions. They will update us on the status and describe the effects if these Resolutions pass. “We can no longer speak of sustainable development apart from intergenerational solidarity… Intergenerational solidarity is not optional, but rather a basic question of justice, since the world we have received also belongs to those who will follow us.” Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ Paragraph 159 Contact: Rita Read Reischman — [email protected]